‘GASTECH SOLUTION’ is recently incorporated in April’2024. The founder has 25+ years of experience in the field of Gas Safety & flow regulation, industrial heating & combustion controls industry.
We represent reputed global ‘Brands’ of Burners, Gas safety & flow regulation Devices, Gas flowmeters/totalisers, EVC, Gas Leak Detectors, DFK’s, etc for conversion of Diesel Generators to operate on Dual Fuel (Diesel & Gas). We represent SUNTEC as their Authorised Dealers / Stockist in Pune & Rest of Maharashtra for ‘RIELLO’, Italy range of Monobloc & High Temperature Burners.
GASTECH SOLUTION is also nominated Authorised Resellers in India, of ‘Pietro Fiorentini’ Italy ‘make’ Gas Pressure Gas Regulators, Slam Shut Off Valves, Governors, Filters, Flowmeters & EVC.
We represent ‘ENERGEIA’, Delhi in Maharashtra for their ‘Energas’ Technology which is an optimum way to transition existing diesel Generators to operate on Dual Fuel (Diesel and Gas) – ensuring reduction in operating costs and carbon emissions.
‘GASVIGIL’ Hyderabad --- We are Authorised Re-sellers for ‘GASVIGIL’ range of various Fixed type, Portable Gas leak detectors for different gases including PNG, LPG, etc.