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Modulating burners


RL/M Series

The Riello RL/M series of burners covers a firing range from 166 to 2431 kW, and they have been designed for use in hot or superheater water boilers, hot air or steam generators, diathermic oil boilers. Operation can be “two stage progressive” or, alternatively, “modulating” with the installation of a PID logic regulator and respective probes. RL/M series burners guarantees high efficiency levels in all the various applications, thus reducing fuel consumption and running costs. Optimisation of sound emissions is guaranteed by the use of fans with forward inclined blades and sound deadening material incorporated in the air suction circuit. The exclusive design ensures reduced dimensions, simple use and maintenance. A wide range of accessories guarantees elevated working flexibility.

RL/M Series
RL28/M 90/166 - 332 kW
RL38/M 101/237 - 450 kW
RL50/M 130/296 - 593 kW
RL70/M 261/474 - 1043 kW
RL100/M 332/711 - 1482 kW
RL130/M 498/948 - 1779 kW
RL190/M 534/1423 - 2431 kW

Press P/G Series

The PRESS P/G series of burners covers a firing range from 415 to 5340 kW. Setting can be “two stage progressive” or, alternatively, “modulating” with the installation of a PID logic regulator and respective probes, which guarantees a turn down ratio of 3:1. The versatility of this range makes the burner well suited for use on commercial or industrial applications where the load factor is subject to wide variations over a short period of time. Simplified maintenance is achieved by Riello designed slide bar system, which allows easy access to all of the essential components of the combustion head.

Press P/G Series
P 140 P/G 415/830 - 1660 kW
P 200 P/G 590/1185 - 2370 kW
P 300 P/G 890/1780 - 3560 kW
P 450 P/G 1190/2670 - 5340 kW