The "BP R... MB" gas burner series is perfect for any installation that needs a small, quiet combustion group with a high turn-down ratio because of its lightweight, convenient design and smaller overall dimensions
contact-usThe "BP R... MB" gas burner series is perfect for any installation that needs a small, quiet combustion group with a high turn-down ratio because of its lightweight, convenient design and smaller overall dimensions
contact-usThe "BP R... MB" gas burner series is perfect for any installation that needs a small, quiet combustion group with a high turn-down ratio because of its lightweight, convenient design and smaller overall dimensions
contact-usThe "BP R... MB" gas burner series is perfect for any installation that needs a small, quiet combustion group with a high turn-down ratio because of its lightweight, convenient design and smaller overall dimensions
contact-usThe "BP R..." gas burner series is perfect for any installation that needs a small, quiet combustion group with a high turn-down ratio because of its lightweight, convenient construction and smaller overall dimensions. The carbon steel burner construction is complemented with nickel chrome alloys and refractory steel for the sections that come into contact with the flame.
contact-usI bruciatori di gas serie "BP R... MB" sono l'ideale per installazioni che richiedono un gruppo di combustione compatto e silenzioso con ampio rapporto min. ÷ max. Grazie alla struttura leggera e maneggevole e alle ridotte dimensioni d'ingombro.
contact-usDue to their lightweight and manageable structure combined with their compact size, the gas burners in the "BP R... MT" series are perfect for installations requiring a quiet and compatible combustion group with a large ratio of regulation.